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GENRYU'S BLADE DVD - The best Flash anime ever, now enhanced further!
ARROGANCY: THE GAME - To solve the mystery, you need to hit on hot chicks! Right on!
RAY - PT.1 - Choose your own adventure, and be a total badass!
FISHY! - The most addictive game ever! I can't believe I missed it!
DETECTIVE FROFROG EP.2 - Space pirates have come to the center of the universe, for the women!
PUMPKIN SIMULATOR - Carve your own pumpkin! It's really a lot of fun!
SHADOW GOVERNMENT PUPPET SHOW - This is just too awesome and crazy. Watch it.
GIRLS - If you are a guy and can't relate to this, you must be an asshole.
DRAG RACER V2 - Say goodbye to our bandwidth again! Customize and race your car!
FRANK'S ADVENTURE - OMG... This will be like the most popular game ever!
METAL FINGERS IN MY BODY - Watercolor animation of a woman having sex with a robot! Woah!
R.E.M. RETROSPECTIVE - Watch 15 music videos from the new R.E.M. DVD/CD combo.
Pick of the Hour:
A Stoners Life Ep.1
Classic of the Day:
B&W; Drama Theater #11
October 25, 2003 Top entries from 10/24/2003!
Posted by: P-Bot  
Hello NG-fans! P-Bot here, with today's hottest games and movies:
  1. Jacob II:Rise of ...Jacob, by _KNOX_ (also known for Bar Fight!)
  2. Kirby's Dreamland Part 1, by Moh-Danath
  3. A little halloween card, by Pixle
  4. Clock/Lock War, by JackDaniels_Clock
  5. Only One True Blue Menace, by DarkViper
We also have new submissions by the following popular artists:
2k_rammerizkool, Adnanymous, Dug00, hobonation_studios, J4S0Nx, MarkMcPherson, Mek1985, nbh, NigmaNoname, o0-MikeL-Oo, SIGNE, TMP and Toxic_AKA_Bob_Barker

What does everyone think of these new submissions?
11 comments View Past Top 5 Post a reply!

October 20, 2003 300mbps!
Posted by: TomFulp  
Sorry for the late announcement - but NG has been running solely on 300mbps since Friday. Crazy, right? Has anyone noticed improvements? There is a good chance you might not, because we are still straining our hardware. Also, third party ad code often delays the time it takes for a page to load.

We haven't gotten our bandwidth tracking on-line for the new source, so I can't say if we are maxing it out already. I can't wait to find out, though! On Sunday we served out over 1.9 million Portal views. Two million is right around the corner!

In other news, has anyone here seen Battle Royal? I finally got an import on DVD, and it rocks. :)
96 comments (Page: 1 2 3 4) Post a reply!


October 19, 2003 Escape from the P.O.W. Camp
Posted by: fourchinnigan  
of Fourchinnigan Productions  
It has been a while since I have contributed anything to the NG community. That will hopefully change quite soon. Fans of the Crow Clock Shorts series may be happy to know I have 2 new episodes in the works. They are tentatively titled "Lonely" and "Radio." I hope to have both completed and uploaded within a few weeks.

I submitted a 15 page comic to the Tokyopop Rising Stars of Manga competition back in September. I recently received my "congrats, you lose" letter and thus I am releasing the comic onto the web now for all to see. The fan of Miracle Explosion may be happy to hear this is a short MX comic. It takes place one year after the events of Miracle Explosion #06. You can read it here.

My final news is that I am once again going to remodel my website. Any of you that visit it, let me know what you think needs to be added or changed. Does it navigate well, load quickly, is it confusing, etc.? Post your thoughts here or email me.

Oh yeah, the New Mr. Fourchinnigan comic-strips should also be debuting sometime this week.

25 comments Post a reply!

October 17, 2003 Update
Posted by: TomFulp  
The frontpage is back to normal now (see Wade's last post). :)

Ok... So this has been a crazy week. Our bandwidth upgrade was supposed to take place two weeks ago, but due to technical issues, it dragged on for a while. The end result was a week-long finger pointing session between four companies: our hosting facility, our bandwidth provider, the company that made our switch/router (and provides a service plan), and the company who sold us the switch/router and service plan.

I could go into specifics, but I'll save that for some other time. Tonight I've been out drinking, because IT FINALLY SEEMS TO BE FIXED! It isn't 100% complete, because it requires some work by the daytime staff at the hosting facility. But after two weeks of headache, we now have the 300mbps line turned on and connected to half our servers. Tomorrow night it should be distributed evenly. I'll post an update and let everyone know when that happens.

We are planning to move our servers to Philly at the end of the month, so there is still one more big headache ahead. Getting the site working and configured for 300mbps will be a big step forward, though. Until now everything has been split in half on two lines, but with this new single line, we will be routing everything evenly, which will really simplify the setup in the long-run. Exciting stuff. :)
41 comments (Page: 1 2) Post a reply!

October 16, 2003 Doh!!!!
Posted by: WadeFulp  
Sorry folks, I was updating some content on the site and I accidentally uploaded an index.html file over the front page! DOH! I uploaded an older back up I had, but Tom will put up the current page later tonight. So everything will be okay.

Although I did get a positive report from Tom. Our bandwidth supplier made a mistake and that's why we haven't gotten the 300mbps up and running. We got it figured out tonight though! Right now half the site is on 100mbps, the other half on 300mbps. As of tomorrow night everything will be on the 300mbps. It's hooked up kind of funky right now. So the wait sould be over by tomorrow and we'll see how things run. Hopefully it won't over load our servers, but we have more of those on the way!
40 comments (Page: 1 2) Post a reply!

October 15, 2003 New Virgin Mobile Commercial
Posted by: TomFulp  
I never mind plugging these Virgin Mobile ads, because they are funny stuff. You gotta see the way the girl bends in this one. :)

Virgin Mobile FannyFace Ad

They never play commercials like this in the US!
50 comments (Page: 1 2) Post a reply!


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